Relationships are quite a bit of work. Seriously. From biting your tongue when your family member/significant other/child/close friend does something that drives you base-level nuts but you know it's simply not a battle worth choosing at that moment, to making the effort to keep in touch with those that are truly important to you but are not in front of your face on a daily basis, to simple mundane daily living with and around other human beings who's thoughts and actions do not align perfectly with your own .... yep, work. The alternative, however, is going through life without those necessary lifelines of close, personal human interaction. The idea of nobody who can look at me and know that there's an issue or a happy moment, just because they know me that well, no best friends, no person that accepts you for exactly who you are, faults and all, because you and they care enough to make the effort ... that kind of life seems completely unbearable. The Effort Is Always Worth It. Jus' Sayin' :)
~ The Girl In The Little Black Dress