There are many Horrible, Awful, Terrifying Entities (aka hate) in the world. People being attacked with hazardous weapons by their own government .. People being gunned down for no apparent reason by others .. Entire populations being exterminated for being "different" .. Legal battles that only hurt the ones they're supposed to protect .. Judgements based on actions long passed & paid for .. Misunderstandings that lead to terrible, hurtful arguments ...............
Then there's love. Pure, simple, healing love. It's in the eyes of a child, in the person who helps a stranger without thought for themselves, in the butterfly freed from a net, the care a gardener takes of their plants, the extra time taken by a teacher with a confused student, and the enveloping hug of a partner or friend. Like a forest fire that begins with a small spark, it grows and ultimately obliterates everything in its path with positivity and caring so that something new is born from that which was negative before. Sometimes it seems that the world is crashing around us & there's nothing but evil out there .... the difference can also be where we place our focus on the events at hand. Things to think about.
~ The Girl In The Little Black Dress