Friday, June 24, 2011

... and then my truck broke down ....

Sometimes life seems like a twangy country song. Admit it. There comes a point when, after the divorce(s), and the job drama, after the car wreck, the death of both your dogs within months of each other, the tears of children, and the financial and emotional stress of a couple of legal proceedings, plus day to day life of just trying to get by and be there for everyone & still look at yourself in the mirror each morning, well, you feel like Waylon Jennings or Tammy Wynette should be singing about your life! And then you take a good hard deep down look. And then you realize that the only person that can exact the change in your circumstances .. that can really make a difference in the turmoil that surrounds your being .. is YOU. And so begins "LIFE VERSION 2.0"
~ The Girl In The Little Black Dress


Ivey said...

Feel your pain.... like your life mirrors mine in so many ways! I Enjoy your blog!! :))

The Girl In The Little Black Dress said...

Thanks, Ivey! :)

Amelia said...

Hey chickie,
I remember who took care of my kid and me when I was on the same highway. I am okay now and just a phone call away.