Saturday, September 6, 2008

Mamma Mia! and the Theoretical Prince

Went to see the movie Mamma Mia! this evening. Wasn't a huge fan of the song subtitling (felt a bit like karaoke without the drunk slurring singers), but the movie itself was fabulous fun! Watch out, boys, this one has got some great levity, but is definitely more toward the chick flick genre. Loved the storyline ... points of lump-in-your-throat heartstring tugging, points of pretty dang funny, points of surprise ... really fun flick. There is a reason for my rambling that's more involved than movie criticing .... Being a single parent, I can relate to Meryl Streep's character. Total protection toward your child and every step in life they make .. Total focus on making life work no matter what else is happening .. Making excuses and in total denial that you need anyone else to survive ... It isn't always easy being a single mom, even though it's completely worth it. It does get awfully lonely though. The first priorities are the kids and the job and anything to do with them. Like most parents, I'm wary of bringing anyone around my kids until I know them well. Since I rarely have more than a couple hours here and there to myself, and half the time it's on last minute notice .... It would be fabulous to think that when all is said and done I'll have helped my kids truly find themselves and the love of my life will come back to me and all will live happily ever after - Fabulous but not realistic. I still keep hoping though ... maybe someday ....

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