Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why. The ultimate question

Why. Such a powerful word. A child asks it of their elders, a friend asks it of their friends, a spouse asks it of their spouse, a human asks it of their God.  Why.  The answers are never easy. Why is the sky blue? Why is the grass green? Why did someone I love contract cancer? Why did my loved one's heart fail? Why are some people so venomous for no discernable reason? Why do some people fail to see or acknowledge what is best for others around them? Why do some humans think that they are so much better thsn everyone else that they should pass ultimate judgement? Why Why Why?

I have no answers.  Some people will be so enamored of themselves that they forget what and who are the most important.  Some people will be so fanatical that they can't see the validity of other ways of living. Some people will simply be selfish on a regular basis.

Poor humans. ...they'll never have the ability to appreciate,  understand, or honestly appreciate or truly love anyone or anything other than the fantasy in their own minds. 


~ The Girl In The Little Black Dress

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