Sunday, January 20, 2013

And the Light Shines Brighter

Girl In The LBD (@GirlInTheLBD) tweeted at 10:55 AM on Sun, Jan 20, 2013: Sometimes that which you let go comes knocking again. The ability to walk away w/o opening the door shows the most positive strength of all. (

I tweeted the above this morning. I won't say what brought on the epiphany, but I will say that it applies to so many areas of life.  From things as simple as a really unfortunate choice in clothing that you donate but then see again while shopping, to career choices that made you miserable before but beckon again, to bad habits that caused you ill health or misfortune, to friends or significant others that brought more grief & pain into your life than happiness. The decision made to walk away the first time is never easy, & following through takes a measure of strength, fortitude, & self-preservation that you may not even realize is within you at the time.  To have that which you let go of resurface again can bring moments of doubt & internal questioning that can cause you to rethink the previous decision. To question your motives for it. To reweigh the pros & cons of it. "Maybe I was hasty," or "Maybe I didn't think everything through," or "Maybe I should open the proverbial door just a crack to see....".

Strength.  Fortitude.  Self-Preservation.  Such simple premises that can be so difficult to adhere to.  However, finding them within yourself to stick to your guns, for whatever your reason, is a sign of the greatest strength, fortitude, & self-preservation of all..... Self-Respect.  Easy to say, difficult to find, at times, even harder to stick with. When you do, though, that bright light shining toward you of positive choices in a new, hard-won happy life, gets a lot bigger & brighter than you ever imagined it could in the space of a simple moment.  Stick to your guns, & bask in the sunshine!

~ The Girl In The Little Black Dress

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